Montessori Pathways' News

March 2011

Notes from Miss Alena


       How pleasant it is to see the flowering crocuses outside, signifying that spring is at our doorstep.


       Along with spring, we would like to welcome new members to our Montessori Pathways family: the brothers William and James, and Shawn. We are very happy to have these new friends with us. Kindergarten in Woodstock - Parent Evening


       One of the biggest events this month was the parent meeting regarding the Kindergarten year, the final period in a primary Montessori class.


       After the first Montessori year planted the seed to be nourished throughout the second year, our kindergarteners bloomed into strong and beautiful individuals. During the meeting, we presented a slide-show of our current kindergarteners to show how our students had blossomed. Kindergarten in Woodstock - St. Patrick Day


        We had a very interesting visitor on St. Patrick's Day, who introduced the kids to bagpipes-a popular Irish musical instrument. The kids where really surprised and interested in it. They asked a lot of questions about the instrument: "Why does it have a bag? Why is it so loud? Is it hard to play on it?" We really appreciate Chloe's grandma for inviting her friend to share a bit of Irish culture with us. Preschool in Woodstock - Indian Holi Day


       Big Thanks to Mahi's mom, who came to us to talk about the India Holi Day – The Festival of Colors.





Coming School Events


       On the first day back from Spring Break, a wonderful transition back to school awaited us: the school field trip to the Pinocchio Musical on April 4th at the Metropolis Performing Arts Center.


On Friday, the 15th of April at 6:00 p.m., we invite the parents to our Family Friday Night: Be a Montessori Student.


       The parents will have a chance to be in their children’s shoes and experience the “morning” work cycle, which includes working with materials, grace and courtesy lessons, line time, set-up and eating of dinner and, of course, the social interaction of a Montessori class.


Saturday, April 16th 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. will be the second Open House



Montessori is the “Real World”


       Maura Joyce, the Head of School from Montessori in the Redlands in California, posted a parent question and her response on an email list for Montessori schools. As we have heard this question before and know it can be a concern to parents who choose to send their children to Montessori Pathways, we would like to share her answer with the community.


Parent Question:


       “This Montessori is all very well and good, but what about when children enter the ‘real world’; how does Montessori get them ready for the REAL world?”


Maura’s Response:


       “Well, let’s define the REAL world... At your job, is everyone the exact same age? Is everyone sitting at their desks, doing the same thing at the same time? Are they doing tasks that require them to access knowledge, off the top of their heads, in a timed setting?




Preschool in Woodstock - Indian Holi Day
  • Do you have different people with different levels of experience working in your office? Do you collaborate with your colleagues on projects?
  • Do you need the right tools for the right jobs?
  • Do you need to be able to set up work, concentrate on it, keep it organized, put it away?
  • Do you have to be able to work independently, and work in a group?
  • Do you need to try things and discover that they work or don’t work, this is, learn from your mistakes?
  • Do you need to be able to problem solve? Communicate effectively?


        Montessori IS the REAL world.


        Miss Alena





Notes from the classroom:
   Miss Jocelyn and Miss Christine




Montessori Preschool in Crystal Lake - Morning Program        There's an old saying that "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb"; let's face was a beastly month although we did get to shed snowpants and such for a few days. There are signs of spring outdoors and we have enjoyed getting fresh air and sunshine whenever possible.


       As adults, we often take the changing of seasons for granted; children, however, experience this change with all the wonder and excitement of a new adventure of the senses. They notice the difference in the way their environment looks smells and feels and are thrilled to experience and explore with joy and curiosity. “It smells so fresh outside” and “Look at how fast I can run now without my snow pants” were some of our favorite statements heard from the children this month! As the outdoors naturally change with each season, inside we are following the children’s natural interest by adding and changing work that creates awareness, builds skills and challenges the children in a meaningful way. Montessori Kindergarten in Crystal Lake - Morning Program


        This March brought us first the day of spring, St. Patrick’s Day, a Supermoon, AND our live caterpillars arrived. In all areas of the classroom we explored hands-on activities that celebrate the world around us. On St. Patrick’s Day, several of the children noticed that as their friends arrived at school, they were wearing the color green in different shades, on different articles of clothing, with different accessories and one friend even had a green nose! Excited with this flurry of green in our environment, some older children focused their attention to writing an acrostic poem using the color word green as their theme word. Using the letters G R E E N they brainstormed words or phrases that began with each letter sound AND was green. This small group activity had the children working together and helping each other with language skills, writing and cooperating on a project.